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Northern Thailand-Sam Saeng Tham Beauru of Monks

Images from this video can be purchased here:https://www.flickr.com/photos/103402419@N08/albums/72157692402558714 On my recent Road trip round Northern Thailand I was driving to Khao Kho park when just out of nowhere appears this wild and weird shaped building. I screeched to a halt, well actually there wasn't any speed to screech with, so i pulled in and very kindly got shown round by the custodians of the Wat and it's buildings. Sometimes it's good to slow down and take a look at what's there. I'm afraid I couldn't find out much about the place as I don't speak Thai and they don't speak English and there is not much on the internet on this place. So I hope you like it for what it is, a record of the World around us! Three Monks founded this place in 2000; it used to be an outdoor ornamental cemetery, with its own odd shaped crematorium. There are several buildings to the complex, all in the same eye-catching style. The main Building is made up of three floors, or three realms in Buddhist belief . The basement houses the Ocean and Alcoves with many photographs and memorabilia to the war with the communists in that area. A Remembrance place The top floor houses the Buddhist Heaven or Tavatimsa Heaven as it’s called. The ground floor represents the Earth

Posted by TheJohnsons 23:10 Archived in Thailand

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